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About Us

Hi everyone ....   This little on-line store started from a brick and mortar store in Westlock, Alberta.  

And....  that store started from a wonderful love of fabrics and quilting.  Making blankets has been my passion since I was a teenager and it hasn't stopped yet.  The Westlock location was downsized in 2009 and became a home based business.   We are now operating from Whitecourt, AB.  Yes, we have moved around a bit, but now settled again.

I am actively selling the collection of ready made items that I have in stock and also selling fabulous sets of Fat Quarters in multiple colours and themes.  There are store samples for sale of ready made items.  You will find tablerunners, placemats, full sized quilts, baby blankets and much more.  These are all quality constructed and will stand the test of time.  All items are machine stitched and most are machine quilted on a long arm quilting machine with a meandering stitch.  You will find a few smaller items quilted my myself on the smaller machine.  Most of these items are "stitched in the ditch" or "echoed".

Feel free to e-mail with any questions you may have on a project you are working on as well and we will try to assist you.

Our mailing address is:

#203, 5580 A - 35 Street, Whitecourt, AB, T7S 0G1